Live Course Participant Essays

Of the ~40 participants in the 2 live iterations of the course, 16 completed essays that were published on ribbonfarm. You may enjoy reading these to get a sense of the kind of writing sensibility the course aims to foster.

  1. Rolling Your Own Culture and (Not) Finding Community (1/10/2017) by Timothy Roy
  2. Cannon Balls, Plate Tectonics, and Invisible Elephants (1/12/2017) by Hal Morris
  3. How to Dress for the Game of Life (1/17/2017) by Pamela Hobart
  4. The Antiheroine Unveiled (1/19/2017) by Sonya Mann
  5. Lies, Caffeinated Lies, and Operating Systems (1/24/2017) by Tim Herd
  6. Games, Videogames, and the Dionysian Society (1/26/2017) by Chris Reid
  7. Shift Register Code Breaking Out of the Echo Chamber (2/7/2017) by Nolan Gray
  8. One Sacred Trick for Moral Regeneration (2/9/2017) by Harry Potash
  9. Caring and Reality (2/14/2017) by Kyle Eschenroeder
  10. Unbuilding the Wall (2/16/2017) by Toby Shorin
  11. The Crisis of the Lonely Atoms (8/8/2017) by Alex Hagen
  12. Questions Are Not Just For Asking (8/10/2017) by Malcolm Ocean
  13. Winning Is for Losers (8/29/2017) by Jacob Falkovich
  14. Common Sense Eats Common Talk (9/26/2017) by Stefano Zorzi
  15. The Internet of Electron Microscopes (9/28/2017) by Chenoe Hart
  16. “It’s Only Cannibalism if We’re Equals” (10/2/2017) by Graham Warnken

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